C-Section Recovery-Faster Healing
Good post-partum maintenance is all about helping your body heal from a substantial process — childbirth. Whether, you chose to have your infant vaginally or using a C-section, giving birth is not straightforward. In reality, it’s a pretty traumatic procedure for your...

Understanding Chronic Pain Symptoms & Causes
Most of the time pain acts as a critical part of our sensory system, and is therefore a necessary though unpleasant function of a healthy body. However, it's becoming increasingly obvious that chronic pain may be more like a disease or pathology of the nervous system...

Moms Worry over Pain and Opioid use After C-sections
For women who have had them, a cesarean section is not for the faint of heart. It's major surgery and leaves new mothers in need of pain management so that they can concentrate on their new baby. A new survey conducted by Moms Meet polled 1,452 women in the U.S....
Easy Steps For Quick Surgical Recovery
Even minor surgeries can cause situations where recovery time may be prolonged. Obviously, the more extensive the surgery, the more time it can take to return to normal lifestyle activities, but the activities a person takes after a surgery can also help determine...
The Chronic Pain Dilemma Post C-Section
The Chronic Pain Dilemma Post C-section I am really surprised by the number of people suffering chronic pain post C-section. I see women with chronic pain daily, and it takes years for most to get an answer. Many don’t find relief until they’ve been referred to me....

Rapid Recovery Therapy for Shingles
A painless, effective therapy for Shingles is now available with OUR RAPID RECOVERY SYSTEM. In the U.S. alone there are over 1 million people who develop shingles annually and could possibly experience pain for years or more. Following an outbreak of chicken pox the...
Cold Laser Therapy
What is Cold Laser Therapy? Cold laser therapy, sometimes also referred to as low-level laser therapy is quickly becoming the first line of attack in pain control and tissue healing in rehabilitative medicine. Cold laser therapy is safe, painless, non-invasive and the...
Pain is A Sensation and A Perception
Pain was once believed to be very simple - the first theory of pain came from Louise Descartes, the man quoted for saying "I think, therefore I am". Descartes' theory was proposed in the 17th century and is still basically used today. If you put your big toe into...
Fast Track Your Healing — Integrated Post-Surgical and Injury Rehab Give you Healing in Half the Time
Integrative pain and rehabilitation specialist Tina Michaud-Gray says she has discovered a formidable recipe for healing injuries and recovering from surgery in half the normal time. Tina’s recipe features three main ingredients: 1) Specific frequencies of cold laser...